Who I am

I am 24 years old and a Malian journalist. I spent a month in 2012 at the ORTM, another two months in 2013 for the newspaper Stades in Dakar and another three months at the Supersport in Abidjan. A year and a half later, I was hired as commercial manager of Soud Consulting, a company that specializes in providing services.
From 2016, I work in the Journal du Mali, where I initially did a 3-month internship before being definitively taken over. The Journal du Mal is not only printed, but also an internet site.
The newspaper is free and available in 50 shops. It is a 20-page newspaper that speaks of Malian and international news.
The newspaper’s website is journaldumali.com, which has about 9,500 hits per day. People who visit the site have between 25 and 30 who are 35% of readers who make up about 45% of the population.
My work for the Proteja project
Two other articles

Proteja – Projet pour le travail et l’emploi des jeunes africains– REG/ENGIM/10733/7